What is Ego and where does it come from? An interesting question. Does it come from who we are born to, what we are called and told since birth about ourselves and the world around us. It seems to be necessary for survival and must therefore be intrinsic in all living things.

Why is it that when we are engrossed in something competitive, ego arises and we begin to judge the results of the work we have just accomplished or that of someone else. When the work is judged to be good or bad, emotions are attached to the moment. This can serve as motivational fuel or intimidating feelings of how much work lies ahead. But what if the work was observed and not judged. It would mean being able to evaluate and analyze without feeling. So the work must be detached from the self as the two are separate. This makes inevitable progress much easier rather than an emotional rollercoaster. That’s right, if we want off the emotional rollercoaster, we must be willing to take no credit when we do it right and continue to figure out what we did wrong or could have done better each time.

But how do we keep ego and it’s wild ride at bay, during moments of pressure? Maybe a prayer, a chant or mantra. Focusing on breath could bring us closer to the present. Assume the role of observer more than active participant by broadening our peripheral vision. Or some combination of all three. An interesting topic that should be investigated more.